No Delivery is a dope horror game hidden behind the funny pixel pizza delivery concept. The dirty environment may not be a thing for everyone. There could be more highlight effects on the interactable objects, and the control on the menus could be more clear.
Wasted Pizza crack game download
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Been having an interesting time with this game, very unique blend of horror, adventure, and turn-based RPG elements as you make your way through the different parts of the creepy pizza establishment. Definitely been enjoying it so far, I'm hoping to get around to making more parts on it!
it may depend on your computer but most any user would be able to run the game file. But be sure that the version downloaded is the OSX version too. Running the windows version on a mac may give a similar message.
Having a fun time with the game, but afraid I'm stuck. Space for some spoilers:********Can anyone help me find the XXL Cheezy Bar so I can go where the cat is blocking? I've cracked open all the walls, and completed the Arcade, Alley, Freezer, Backstage, and Playground Wrong Turns. I also THINK I've travelled all the ducts available. Got no idea how to proceed. The mood of the game is great, fun but I wish I could find a walkthrough or a guide.
If the second guess is still incorrect, that player has to drink the number of differences between the guess and the card. So for example, if the player guesses seven but the card is a five, the player takes two drinks. Sips, preferably, unless you want a very short game because everyone's too wasted to keep going.