Legal Report Trademark Abuse VideoLAN, VLC, VLC media player and x264 are trademarks internationally registered by the VideoLAN non-profit organization. VideoLAN software is licensed under various open-source licenses: use and distribution are defined by each software license.
If an item you have purchased from us is not working as expected, please visit one of our in-store Knowledge Experts for free help, where they can solve your problem or even exchange the item for a product that better suits your needs.
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Desktop / notebook computers, tablets, processors, motherboards, digital cameras, camcorders and projectors, 3D printers, 3D scanners, and CD/DVD duplicators may be returned within 15 days of purchase. All other products may be returned within 30 days of purchase. Merchandise must be in new condition, with original carton/UPC, and all packaging/accessories/materials. If you need to return software, a game or a movie, remember that you may not retain any copies - it's not legal, and it's not nice. Wireless Phones & DevicesThe following products are not eligible for return: VR Headsets, Headphones, including Airpods, Earbuds, Over the Ear Products, Microphones, Microphone Accessories, and Wireless Phones
Free assistance is available for the first 60 days on new purchases, excluding internal hardware installations or networking support. Your invoice reference number will be required for free assistance.
Advance selection ticket packages and passes are now on sale for American Express Cardmembers, and go on sale Monday, March 12 for the general public. All advance selection packages and passes can be purchased online at, or by telephone at (646) 502-5296 or toll free at (866) 941-FEST (3378).