Year / Release Date: 10.2021Version: 9.0.1Developer: iZotopeDeveloper site: izotopeFormat: STANDALONE, VST, VST3, AAXBit depth: 64bitTabletka: cured (put and work) R2RSystem requirements: Windows 10+
Year/Date of Issue: 4.11.2022Version: 10.2.0Developer: iZotopeDeveloper website: www.izotope.comFormat: VST3/AAXBit depth: 64bitTabletka: curedSystem Requirements Win
iZotope Nectar 3 v3.10-R2R
Year/Date of Issue: 1.11.2022Version: 3.8.0Developer: iZotopeDeveloper site: VST/VST3/AAXBit depth: 64bitTabletka: curedSystem Requirements Win 2ff7e9595c